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Lake Condah Aboriginal Cemetery

life, death and identity
Working with community

EBD workedwith the GunditjMirring Aboriginal Corporation to produce a masterplan for the re-development of the Aboriginal Cemetery at Lake Condah.


Existing studies have recognised Lake Condah Mission cemetery as being of great cultural significance both locally and nationally [1] and the entire planning process was undertaken with sensitivity and respect for that heritage.


The intent of a true consultation process is to produce ideas with the community, to reduce the potential for misunderstanding, and to find a system of communication where potential differences do not cancel each other out, but are instead held in creative tension. The concepts emerged as a direct response to sweeping community conversations about the past, life, death and their aspirations for the future of the Lake Condah Mission Cemetery.


[1] Lake Condah Mission and Cemetery Conservation Management Plan. 2000 Statement of significance.p16-18


